Saturday, January 10, 2009

Extinct beasts that could walk the Earth again

I was reading a science article just a moment ago and learnt that scientists are working hard on bring extinct animals back to life again.

Seriously??? Hmmm... what do you think about this? Well, I don't think I have any complaints, if they can successfully bring them back to life, and ensure that they can survive the current world climate and environment. Or else there is no point bringing them back to life again and then succumb to global warming and other man-made environment hazards. And also make sure that they don't become a threat to our safety.

What about moral or Christian values with relation to that? Hmmm... I don't find anything morally wrong or if it is against the Word of God with what they are doing. Sure, God creates, God gives life, but God gives man wisdom and knowledge as well. Or else how did these scientist have any idea how to resurrect these extinct beasts? Stolen knowledge? Satanically or black-magically acquired knowledge? Nah... let's not go there.

But the truth is, I really have no idea how they are going to do it. I mean, how are they going to get it going? And how are they going to create those intricate parts like the eye or the brain? And get them working? This is totally different from cloning. There're no life specimens to clone, since they are extinct (duh...).

Anyways, if they can successfully do it, well, here are the animals that you might see again, for the first time in your life, or your future generation's life:

1. Sabre-toothed tiger (Smilodon fatalis)

Extinct: ~10,000 years ago

Can I keep it as a pet? Nice kitty...

2. Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis)

Extinct: ~25,000 years ago

Ok, some might argue that isn't this a predecessor of Homo sapiens, the current man? Well, I beg to disagree with you. Unfortunately, I do not accept Darwin's theory of evolution. We don't evolve from apes. We came as it is, wholly human, created by God in the image of God. But why looking so much closely like the current man, some might ask? Do they have souls? Beats me. Something I'll only know when I get to heaven, because only God knows, since He created them too. So isn't it wrong to resurrect Neanderthals? Again, I don't know. I'm not sure if they are like us.

3. Short-faced bear (Arctodus simus)

Extinct: ~11,000 years ago

If they really succeeded to bring this bear back to life, it will become the largest land carnivore, beating the polar bear into a distant second place. Now, how about this for a teddy bear?

4. Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Extinct: 1936

Those who lived before 1936 had the opportunity to see this tiger in real life. It's pretty sad... to know that they let the last one die, just like that, in 1936.

5. Glyptodon (Doedicurus clavicaudatus)

Extinct: ~11,000 years ago

Watch out for that spiky tail! You wouldn't want to get a smack with THAT!

6. Woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis)

Extinct: ~10,000 years ago

It must have been really cold last time, that rhinos needed the hairy insulation.

7. Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)

Extinct: ~1690

Another sad case. I mean, they just get "wiped out", like nobody cared.

8. Giant ground sloth (Megatherium americanum)

Extinct: ~8000 years ago

This sloth is HUMONGOUS - around 6 m tall and is estimated to have weighed a whopping 4 tonnes!

9. Moa (Dinornis robustus)

Extinct: ~1400

As you can see from the picture, this giant bird became extinct due to extensive hunting. There goes Big Bird.

10. Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus)

Extinct: ~7700 years ago

Woah... even from the species name, you know that this elk is HUGE!

11. Giant beaver (Castoroides ohioensis)

Extinct: ~10,000 years ago

Ok, this is not Papa beaver and Baby beaver... the bigger one is the Giant beaver, while the smaller one is what we have today.

12. Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)

Extinct: ALMOST (Conservation status: Critically endangered)

Can you believe this? Rather than trying to preserve and populate the remaining gorillas, they are working on bringing them back from extinction? How weird. Might as well put all the resources for this research into conservation activities. Save the gorillas! By the way, doesn't this picture reminds you of Planet of the Apes? :)

Hmmm... at least these scientists are sane enough not to consider bringing back to life DINOSAURS. Imagine a T-Rex! Then, we'll get to see Jurassic Park every day on TV!


Blogger MysLykeMeeh said...

That post was educational...!

Wow-- u remind me again about College and school days! I don't believe in Darwinism really--

Those who believe that they came from apes--maybe, they look like apes---(no punsssss) okay pun intended...


Monday, January 12, 2009 7:11:00 AM  
Blogger Donna said...

I think trying to bring back extinct species is a bad idea, especially ones that have been gone for thousands of years. The environment has changed over time and it isn't compatible to the majority of those species now. We should learn from the past, not try to recreate it.
I'm on the fence about whether humans evolved from 'apes' or not. I think the Good Lord created us all and designed us so we would evolve with the changes He knew nature would go through through the ages. Perhaps we don't look a thing like we did when humans were first created. Perhaps it isn't our physical image that He created in His image, but our souls that are His image...Did neanterthals have a soul? I'm thinking they did.
Just my two cents worth.
An educational post for sure! Thanks John!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger John said...

Mys Lyke Meeh, THAT EXPLAINS! LOL of the faces of some of the people I'd met who don't believe in God, and worship Darwin.

Donna, I'm not about to start a lengthy discussion about this, since it is something I don't fully understand. Some unaswered questions. So, at the moment, let's keep our peace, and not dwell further on this :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 2:48:00 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

That works for me, John. No need to discuss it farter. Peace is much better!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:55:00 PM  

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